Four Favorites|Radiant Orchid
I'm not going to lie. Radiant Orchid is not going to be a favorite for me this year. I am allergic to purple. Like anaphylactic shock kinda allergic. (Okay, that is my flair for the dramatic) but you are getting my drift that it's not my color.
I avoid hues, tints, shades, cousins of the color, and anything too awfully close on the color wheel to purple. Maybe I was scared as a child with the color, but for whatever the reason I do not like purple. I make no bones about it either!
That doesn't mean I can't admire a touch of Radiant Orchid for you though!! My four favorites this week are classy displays of the color, and while you wouldn't find me wearing it, I would definitely admire the hue on you! Just keeping it real, and living authentic!!
What are your four favorites this week? Link up and share!

Linking up here too!