Easter Favorites

April 16, 2014

Happy Wednesday lovelies!  I am traveling home this weekend to see family and celebrate Easter.  When my kids were little, one of my favorite things for Easter was decorating eggs.  Now that they are all grown I have started looking for other methods to decorate them.  These  Eggs  are the cutest and I love the polka dots of course!  Filled Easter baskets with candy is a dangerous thing, so a few nibble of ears off this dark chocolate fella may be all the  Bunny and  my diet can handle with a few handfuls of  Jelly Beans!

Easter is always a time to show off your new spring outfits when your a kid and as an adult that tradition should continue with this perfectly spring  Dress, and don't forget your Easter Hat !

Linking up here and here too!

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  1. Ugh, my weakness is the chocolate covered marshmallow bunnies! Great post :)
    Have a happy Easter!

    Fearlessly Authentic

    1. YES! The marshmallow bunny's are the best! Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Love that dress!

    Thanks for linking up to Beautiful You!

    Tiffany Ima
    Style Honestly


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