Christmas Wishlist

December 18, 2013

I'm keeping my wish list pretty simple this year. After all, it is WISH list right?  Not that any of this is going to show up under my tree, a girl can still wish!!  I have wanted this Blair Ritchey Lulu FOR EVER!  One day she will be mine, I know it!  These Frends headphones are perfect in the gold and white.  

So lets talk slippers, shall we?  LOVE, these Mara and Mine Skull slippers, and to be honest I was ready to get them a few weeks ago, but sadly they are sold out of many sizes. Lucky for me, they are pricy, and I would have to get a lot of miles out of them to justify it, but hey this is a wish list right? not a reality list! 

Oh these Loren Hope bracelets are the perfect link with the right amount of color for days you don't want to stack them on! 

Whats on your wish list?  Don't forget I am linking up today! 

Linking up here too! 

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  1. I've been seeing those headphones around more and more lately. They look so nice!
    Great picks! Hope you find a few of them under your tree this year!


    1. Thanks Ashley. I really hope so too. Those headphones are so pretty in the white and gold, and they even have a collaboration with Rebecca Minkoff right now! So colorful.

  2. Pretty bracelets! Wishing you a wonderful Christmas :)

  3. LOVE those Loren Hope {well everything of her's really!} bracelets.


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