50 x Fifty Update

July 31, 2014

So my birthday is this weekend and if you haven't noticed with my recent wish list I am excited!  Yes I know, this is a milestone and I am okay with it!  It is a pretty surreal.  I have gotten so many surprised reactions from people when I tell them I am turning 50 that it has actually made me feel pretty good!  Just yesterday a new acquaintance I made wanted to know what eye cream I use because she could not believe it when I told her my age! Makes me feel pretty darn good! So I figured it was time for an update on my 50 x fifty list!  I still have several things to check off, but I did allow the list to be for the whole year not just up until my birthday.  

the one thing I really learned from this list is that it became something to reach for.  Obtainable goals o work into everyday life.  Several times my girls at the office have asked "so what on your list have you done, or what needs to be done? " It has been great and I may do a smaller version every year for goal settings! So here it is... the list! 

1.   Attend  "Blog Shop" preferably in person
2.   Visit Gayle, my bff She spent the long 4th weekend here during my staycation!
3.   Shop in the West Bottoms on First Fridays
4.   Finally have my Grandmothers barrel chair reupholstered
5.   Go on vacation in Naples  I sent Joe for three weeks and took a staycation... does that count? I think so!
6.   Complete the redesign and branding of my blog.  Keeping the design I love and the branding has been coming along well.
7.   Completely redecorate my Master bedroom (Picking paint now) Almost finished
8.   Do something just for me...every week  Loving this one and so doing it every week!
9.   Lose 20 lbs
10. Take a photography class
11. Girls road trip weekend
12. Invest in another designer bag I have it narrowed down... did you see my birthday list?
13. Clean out my closet (for real, deep clean what is never ever going to be worn again) DONE!
14. Take all the grand kids to the zoo Spent Mother's Day 2014 with them!!
15. Go to Dallas for the Weekend
16. Try Bangs... again!  Completed Feb 27 and I actually am enjoying them!
17. Take a yoga class  Woot!  The girls and I currently are in a class.
18. Make a weekly meal plan and follow it Working at it.. still needs a little work
19. Start a new linkup on my blog, Who wants to join?
20. Partner with more brands I love Working this one for sure and love all the new opportunities.
21. Have a stay cation
22. Create a gallery wall (Already gathering the pieces) Completed and on the blog very soon!
23. Take new professional blog head shots Done... but may take a few more.
24. Have my blog featured Thrilled this happened here and here .
25. Do a 5k Already planned for August
26. Visit a local winery
27. Create a will
28. Bake a carrot cake from scratch (my sis in laws mother's recipe I shared here)
29. Shop at the new Ikea... Opening in KC this fall
30. Try a new candle fragrance Love this one!
31. Answer all emails timely  This is going well!
32. Transition from Vegetarian to Paleo..... this is a little scary Decided against this...
33. Pay for the persons coffee in line behind me
34. Write more handwritten notes and snail mail send them Needs some work here
35. Try 3 new to me restaurants  One down , two down, there down!!
36. Try something new on the menu at my favorites places to eat (I'm a creature of habit) This was easier than I imagined!
37. Share words of affirmation with my kids every week for encouragement  Accomplishing this and starting to see the results of positive actions from them.
38. Attend Go Blog Social again (Here in KC this April) Missed it!  But not next year.
39. Bake gluten free treats Have them... just need to bake them now!
40. Host a party at my house
41. Attend my nieces wedding in Minneapolis
42. Plant a vegetable garden Total fail....
43. Take updated family photos with all my boys
44. Take my daughter in law shopping at Nell Hills (The best shopping ever)
45. Surprise my mom with a visit
46. Eat the brown M&M's last (inside joke for those that know me) Gab forced me... but I did it.
47. Go to a concert  Amos Lee at the Uptown March 4th
48. See a Dermatologist Completed and so glad I went. 
49. Give up something other than cookies for lent. Completed!
50. Celebrate my birthday in style Did you see my wish list? 

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  1. The dermatologist and First Fridays were on my original list I started last summer! I love these :)

    26 and Not Counting


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