I have been admiring totes lately. Not an ordinary tote. But rather a bag that would substitute as a handbag. You know for the time you need to carry more than usual. I have a carry on tote for when I travel by plane, and a tote for the beach or pool, but not a tote that I can throw my essentials in and look fashionable. These are a few that I like. My favorite of course is the Celine, but thats not going to happen right now. I am almost convinced on the Louis Vuitton. Now I just need to pull the trigger! Do you carry a tote?
I carry my iPad most days with me. It currently fits nicely in my bag as that was a pre requisite. I have the RayBan aviators and love them. They were a birthday gift last year from the BF. He paid a little extra and purchased them with polarized lens and it really makes a difference. The keychain and small bag are by the Fabulous Blair Ritchey and on my list of wants. These would be perfect in a tote for when you need to grab your essentials out to make a quick purchase and not carry the whole tote inside. I have the Nikon D5000 ....Love! The perfect pink lipgloss is a must for the summer months, and the Kantner bag is another Blair Ritchey favorite!!
i neeeeeeeeeeed the polka dot tote!!